MegaPay Mobile FAQ

How to use the QR Code?

In your MegaPay Mobile App, on the Settings screen, you can choose the "Scan" option. When selected, you will have to point the camera on the phone at the QR code to scan the code, which will apply your Login and Password credentials without having to type them.

How to refresh my Payslips/P60s?

When you are in the Payslip/P60 screen when you pull down on the page to refresh, any new or updated Payslips/P60s will be download to your MegaPay Mobile App.

How to add PIN?

To set a PIN which will lock the App when you lock your phone or switch to another App

  1. Open the "Settings" screen.
  2. Set "Use Pin Code" option
  3. Enter a 4 digit PIN
  4. Confirm your PIN

To turn the PIN off, unset the "Use PIN code" option -- you will have to input your PIN to disable the function.

What happens if I forget my PIN?

If you forget your PIN, the only way to reset is to delete and re-install the app. There is no way to recover the PIN.

I need to re-install MegaPay Mobile on my phone?

MegaPay Mobile is available in the iTunes App Store and via Google Play. Search for MegaPay Mobile in your app store.